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Chartered Management Accountants. Accurate Tax Returns. Fixed Fee.

Start your tax return with us today




Can we answer any questions you might have?

1Who can use this service?
  • Those new to self assessment
  • Sole traders
  • Freelancers
  • Landlords
  • Company directors
  • High earners
  • Employees with tax deductible expenses
  • Capital gains sales
  • Anyone who needs to file their self assessment
2I've never used your service before, how will this work?

In short, we need to let HMRC know we are going to file your tax return on your behalf. Technically this is called 'agent authorisation', we need three pieces of information from you and we'll take care of the rest.
Just so you know, this adds a delay of about four weeks - so get in touch early.

3Is there a person I can speak to?

Absolutely, once you've inputted the necessary information, your records are allocated to one of the team. This person will then become your main point of contact - they'll be able to answer any and all of your questions.

4What information do you require?

This totally depends on your situation. Our website will ask you a few questions to identify why you need to submit a self assessment. We'll then tailor our questions so we only ask questions relevant to you.

5How does the website work?

Your data security is of paramount important to us, which is why our website has industry leading 256-bit security protocols and your completed data submission is downloaded and saved to a local computer (not in the cloud), minimising the risk of a data breach.

6What are your qualifications?

We are qualified Accounting Technicians and Chartered Management Accountants and a current member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). We hold a practising certificate from the Association of Accounting Technicians which is your assurance that we are appropriately qualified.

7How can you do this for £119?

In short, technology. Just like how you can order a pizza from an app or compare your gas and electric online. Our website does something similar, we capture most of the information we require on our website, which saves you and us time. Technology has changed so many sectors, yet, the accountancy sector still depends on time consuming emails, telephone calls and even the post!
We've tried to make our whole accountancy practice as efficient as possible, we've even automated payment, which saves us even more time and as we have low overheads, we have less cost to cover. It might sound little, but by automating the payment we've removed £10.11 of cost! That's £10 less we need to charge.

8Why do you only do Self Assessment?

Tax is huge subject and to ensure that we are up to date and able to prepare the most beneficial tax position for our clients, we've decided to specialise in Self Assessments.

Even if you are VAT registered, or have employees and thus operate a Payroll Scheme, we can still help with your Self Assessment. While we won't be able to do your VAT returns or complete your payroll, we can work with your VAT and Payroll data to file your Self Assessment.

Still have a question?

Coming April 2026

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax

Have you heard of Making Tax Digital, or MTD for short? Its coming April 2026 with some big changes to how you store your bookkeeping and how frequently you need to file a return with HMRC.


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